The Eco Club, Govt. Kolasib College was constituted under the guidance of the

Principal, Dr. C. Lalmuankima at the Staff meeting held on 31.07.2018. As per the staff

meeting resolution, Mr. Malsawmtluanga, Asst. Prof. and Dr. K. Vanrammawia, Asst. Prof,

were designated as the first Professors in-charge of the Club at this College.

      Recruitment of 30 student members was subsequently made on date 27.08.2018 at V

Semester Room, Dept. of Political Science. As the objective of Eco Club is to conserve the

natural resource and the natural environment to create Eco friendly campus, the College Eco

club has many activities to meet the objective of Environmental issues like tree plantation,

Cleanliness drive, promoting renewable energy, installation of solar lamp, garbage

management, attending workshop/conference to aware biodiversity conservation and local

environmental issues.

        The faculty-In-Charge (Green Teachers) of Eco Club, Government Kolasib College

(2022-2023) are -

Chairman: Mr. Bishnu Jaishi

Secretary: Dr. P.C.Lalremruata

Member: Dr. Zothansangi