Students Union was established in the year 1984 and its constitution was adopted then. Since its inception the Students Union has been actively functioning as per its constitution. The constitution states that the jurisdiction of the Union shall be confined to the college. Its aims and objectives are stated as:-     

       1) To explore and promote students up to the maximum level.
       2) To look after the welfare and interests of the students and the college.
       3) To create and develop academic atmosphere of the college.
       4) To foster unity, mutual understanding and assistance among the students.
       5) To organize co-curricular activities and to maintain good relations with the public.

    The elected office-bearers of the Students Union for the current session (2018 – 2019) are:-

             Vice President:                         Lalnghinglova

            General Secretary:                   Saithangpuia

            Assistant General Secretary:  Isaac Lalhlimpuia

            Magazine Editor:                      Lallawmkima

            Indoor Games Secretary:        Lalrinhlua

            Social & Cultural Secretary:    Samuel Lalramnghaka

            Debating secretary:                 Laltlanzova Keivom

            Outdoor Games Secretary:     Michael Lallawmkima 

            The highest authority of the Students Union is the General Body consisting of all members. A meeting of the General Body is convened at least once a year. Any provision of the constitution may be amended by a meeting of the General Body in which 1/3 of the members are present and voting.

            The students Union has been organizing sports and cultural activities, College Week, publishing Magazine, Organizing Fresher’s social every year. It is a forum through which the students voice their grievances (when they have any) to the college authority.As regards to representation of students on academic and administrative bodies/committees of the institution the Vice-President and the General Secretary of the students Union are members of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC).