Eco- Club Report


The Eco Club, Govt. Kolasib College was constituted under the guidance of the Principal, Dr. C. Lalmuankima at the Staff meeting held on date 31.07.2018. As the objective of Eco Club is to conserve the natural resource and the natural environment to create Eco friendly, the College Eco club has many activities to meet the objective of Environmental issues like tree plantation, Cleanliness drive, promoting renewable energy, installation of solar lamp, garbage management, attending workshop/conference to aware biodiversity conservation and local environmental issues.

The Professors In-Charge (Green Teachers) of Government Kolasib College (2023-2024)-

Chairman: Mr. Bishnu Jaishi

Secretary: Dr. P.C.Lalremruata

Member: Mr. Lalrintluanga

         Activity Report of the Eco- Club during academic year 2023-2024.

1) Cleanliness drive cum sapling plantation: The Eco-Club in collaboration with NSS Unit, Govt. Kolasib College jointly organised Cleanliness Drive cum Sapling Plantation at College Campus, Khuangpuilam on 24th & 25th August, 2023. The program was attended by 15 Eco Club members and 17 NSS volunteers with 5 faculty members of the College.  

 2) Observance of World Ozone Day: The Eco-Club and Department of Chemistry, Govt. Kolasib College in collaboration with Mizoram Pollution Control Board (MPCB) organized ‘Awareness Campaign and Cleanliness Drive’ in observance of World Ozone Day (16th September, 2022) on 15th September, 2023 with a theme “Montreal Protocol: fixing the ozone layer and reducing climate change”. Prof. V.K. Bharati, Professor, Chemistry Department, Govt. Kolasib College was invited as a resource person. He highlighted the major causes of ozone depletion, pollutants responsible for ozone depletion and the remedial measures to control the Ozone depletion which was followed by cleanliness Drive on single use plastic inside the College campus. This program was attended by Eco- Club members and all students from Chemistry Department. 

 3) Nature camp at Sialsuk: The Eco-Club, Govt. Kolasib College in collaboration with Mizoram Pollution Control Board (MPCB) organized “Nature Camp” at Zongaw Reserve Forest, Sialsuk on 5th & 6th December, 2023. The members of the Eco Club conducted nature walk, biodiversity study, documentation and identification of cryptogamic plants with other higher plants from the forest. Cleanliness drive was also conducted at “Sialsuk tlang”. 

The Eco club in collaboration with Botany Department, Govt. Kolasib College also organized “Awareness Campaign on Single Use Plastic” at Sialsuk Higher Secondary School with Dr. P.C. Lalremruata, Secretary, Eco Club, GKC as a resource person. The resource person highlighted the adverse effects of single-use plastic on the air, water and soil. He was also highlighted the importance of re-use, reduce and re-cycle of single-use plastic. The program was attended by 65 Eco Club members from Govt. Kolasib College and Sialsuk Higher Secondary School.    

 4) Workshop cum Hands-on training: The Eco-Club and IQAC, GKC in collaboration with Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Kolasib and Mizoram Pollution Control Board (MPCB) organized “Workshop cum Hands-on Training on Waste Composting Under Mission Life” on 31st January, 2024. Dr. Carolyn Zothansiami, Subject Matter Specialist, Soil Science, KVK, Kolasib was the resource person and she delivered a lecture on the topic of the workshop. 

Hands-on Training Program was done in KVK (Kolasib) Vermicompost Demonstrating Unit by the resource person. The program was attended by Dr. Michelle C. Lallawmkimi, Senior Scientist & Head, KVK, Kolasib along with 100 Eco-Club students and 3 green teachers of the College 

5) Wetland Day Observation: The Eco-Club, Govt. Kolasib College organized invited lecture on the topic “Wetlands of Mizoram, Wetland Birds and Importance of Wetland” on 2nd February, 2024. Mr. Christopher J..Z. Lawlor, Associate Professor, GKC & Honorary Wildlife Warden, Kolasib District was the resource person and he delivered a lecture on the topic. 

The program was attended by the students from all the Science Department and 3 green teachers of the College.

 6) Cleanliness Drive cum Awareness on Single Use Plastics: The Eco-Club, Govt. Kolasib College in collaboration with Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation (UD&PA) organised “Cleanliness Drive cum Awareness on Single Use Plastics” on 9th February, 2024 (Friday). Mr. Bishnu Jaishi, Green Teacher, Eco Club, GKC was chair and the resource person Mr. Obeda Lalhuliana, Sanitation Inspector Officer, UD&PA, Kolasib delivered an “Awareness campaign on Single Use Plastics”. 

Cleanliness Drive was done inside the campus. The collected waste was segregated and disposed by the selected student at Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation (UD&PA) Dumping Ground, Kolasib. Mr. Laldinthara, JE (i/c UD&PA Dumping site, Kolasib) showed how different waste/thrash types were separated and disposed of, including Single Use Plastics and Biodegradable Waste. The program was attended by all Science students and II Semester Arts students with 3 green teachers. 

7) International Day of Forests Observation: The Eco-Club and Department of Botany, GKC in collaboration with Environment, Forest & Climate Change (EFCC), Kolasib Forest Division organized “Nature Walk cum Plantation Programme” at Vengthar Reserve Forest, Kolasib and Govt. Kolasib College Campus, Khuangpuilam on 21st March 2024 in observance of International Day of Forests, 2024.. The members of the Eco-Club conducted nature walk along with plants documentation in the reserve forests. 40 different species of plants were also planted inside the College Campus, Khuangpuilam. The program was attended by 20 Eco-Club members and 3 green teachers from Govt. Kolasib College.

8) Save Tuichhuahen Project Kick-Off Programme and Cleanliness Drive: On 27th May, 2024, Save Tuichhuahen Project Kick-Off Programme and Cleanliness Drive was organised by Eco-Club, GKC as the start-up initiative to protect and clean Tuichhuahen river, the main source of water supply for Kolasib town. The Kick-off programme was held at the college campus with the Deputy Commissioner of Kolasib District after which 50 students and 10 faculty members went to the river for onsite cleaning and clearing of garbage and debris.

 9) Save Tuichhuahen Project: On 5th June, 2024 (Wednesday), Eco-Club, GKC in collaboration with Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation (UD&PA) organised a follow up programme to the Save Tuichhuahen Project in observance of World Environment Day, 2024. Over 20 students and teachers from GKC, Mr. Gilbert Lalhlimpuia, DUDO, MCS and members of UD&PA took part in this cleanliness drive. UD&PA provided basic requirements such as gloves and garbage bags along with transportation facilities of the gathered garbage to UD&PA dumping site.



Date: 30/06/2024                            (Dr. P.C.Lalremruata)

Place: Kolasib                                    Secretary

                            Eco- Club

                 Govt. Kolasib College